SignaLink™ Bridge Wireless Supervisory System
Potter's SignaLink Bridge Wireless Supervisory System can monitor any dry-contact switch such as tamper or flow switches and transmit their status wirelessly to any fire alarm panel. SignaLink Bridge uses a wireless transmitter, installed with the switch being monitored, and a wireless receiver, installed with the fire alarm panel, to fully monitor the switch's state. With a maximum range of 800' between devices and optional wireless repeaters, SignaLink Bridge can supervise dry-contact switches across even the largest projects without trenching, destruction of sensitive architecture, or costly wiring.

Potter's SignaLink Bridge uses our all new SignaLink technology to deliver a fast, secure, and dependable wireless connection for virtually any application. Utilizing the robust 2.4 GHz spectrum, SignaLink has excellent penetration allowing it to work even in industrial environments with minimal to no need for SignaLink Repeaters. With a wide channel selection, SignaLink allows users to fine tune their network and adapt it for use in congested areas. SignaLink has exceptional range and can carry signals up to 800' between compatible devices, allowing even the largest projects to take advantage of wireless supervision. When your project demands the reliability of wire but the flexibility of wireless, SignaLink delivers the best of both worlds.

SignaLink™ Wireless Devices
Above is a typical Wireless Supervisory System monitoring a control valve supervisory switch. This setup utilizes all three SignaLink Bridge devices:
- Placed between transmitter and receiver to provide an additional 800' coverage
In this example, a control valve supervisory switch can be monitored by the fire panel without needing to trench through the parking lot and without extensive wiring. This allows installers to efficiently and affordably add monitoring to an existing system.

Historic Architecture
Potter's SignaLink Bridge allows for retrofit monitoring of dry contact devices in historic, protected, or other highly sensitive architecture. Drilling and feeding wire through walls is no longer needed with a robust wireless connection.

Temporary Installations
When monitoring is required on ever-changing or temporary sites, such as new construction, Potter's SignaLink Bridge can save a lot of time and money. Portability allows the dry contact device to be moved and remain monitored without disconnecting, rerunning, and reconnecting wire.

Long Distances
Potter's SignaLink Bridge is an excellent solution for monitoring dry contact devices across very long distances where extensive wiring is impractical and costly. By adding one or multiple repeaters, your system can be monitored well beyond the standard 800' range.

Simplify Outdoor Applications
When working with retrofit applications, Potter's SignaLink Bridge can allow monitoring of remote locations without the need for trenching. This can eliminate large costs when installing outdoor dry contact devices.
SignaLink™ Bridge Features

ANY Dry Contact Device
The SignaLink Transmitter works with any brand's non-explosion-proof dry contact device.

ANY Fire Panel
The SignaLink Receiver works with any brand's fire alarm control panel and acts as a dry contact initiating device.

2.4 GHz Long Range Wireless
Potter's SignaLink Bridge operates on the 2.4 GHz band which enables reliable, secure, long range communication between devices. Maximum clear field line of site communication is approximately 800' between devices, with additional range provided by one or multiple repeaters.

Easy Setup Software
An optional setup tool can be used to measure the strength and quality of the communication signal between all SignaLink wireless devices on the network. The setup tool also allows the user to pair devices together, check battery life, add or delete repeaters, check traffic on the default communication channel, change channels, and other functions.

NEMA 4 Protection
With a NEMA 4 IP66 enclosure, and rated for use in temperatures between -40° F to 150° F, Potter's SignaLink Bridge is suitable for most outdoor applications.