Potter announces the release of the INS-500 (EU) and INS-1000 (EU). These two units are the latest in the line of Potter IntelliGen™ Nitrogen Generators.  The INS-500 (EU) has a bypass fill capacity of 1,703 L/450 Gal. at 2,76 BAR/276 kPa (40 PSI) and a total system capacity of 7,003 L/1,850 Gal. The INS-1000 (EU) has a bypass fill capacity of 3,407 L/900 Gal. at 2,76 BAR/276 kPa (40 PSI) and a total system capacity of 12,870 L/3,400 Gal.

Just like the rest of the IntelliGen line of nitrogen generators, the INS-500 (EU) and INS-1000 (EU) utilize patent pending intelligent technology which facilitates every aspect of the nitrogen generators including pressure, runtime, power, connectivity, and operational mode. This ensures that the unit is working at optimal performance. Using proprietary algorithms, the IntelliGen can determine if the unit needs to be in Bypass Mode or Nitrogen Generating Mode. Also, by monitoring the generator activity, the unit can indicate development of sprinkler system leaks, user interaction, and if maintenance needs to be performed on the generator.

Josh Tihen, Director of Product Management said,

"Intelligen Nitrogen Generators are changing the way we look at corrosion protection. The design of this product is unlike anything the industry has ever seen. The smart components and connectivity of these generators will help make installation extremely easy while providing the best possible corrosion protection. We have strived to make sure the end user’s investment is protected through proper maintenance and system monitoring."

The INS-500 (EU) and INS-1000 (EU) are available for purchase immediately.

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