As recently highlighted on 60 Minutes, Potter is a proud member of the …
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As recently highlighted on 60 Minutes, Potter is a proud member of the …
Potter Electric Signal Company announces the release of the PE Series of notification appliances …
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The IntelliPurge® Valve Simplifies Monitoring Nitrogen for Corrosion Products
Potter announces the release of the newest innovation in corrosion protection, the IntelliPurge® Nitrogen Purge Valve (INS-PV), which works in conjunction with Potter’s Nitrogen Generators to monitor the level of Nitrogen in your fire sprinkler system. This helps rid both dry and pre-action pipe systems of corrosion by removing Oxygen and displacing it with Nitrogen. The INS-PV can be used as a standalone device, or with an IntelliPurge® INS-RA Remote Annunciator.
The INS-PV is installed on the pipe system itself, and allows for accurate readings of Nitrogen purity levels within the system. This provides insurance that the system is maintaining a 98% Nitrogen purity level, creating an environment where it is nearly impossible for corrosion to propagate. One INS-RA is capable of programming and monitoring up to 27 INS-PV devices. However, the INS-PV can be programmed using the dipswitches located on the device itself.
Josh Tihen, Corrosion Solutions Product Manager at Potter said, “We are really excited to introduce the first innovation in our new Intellipurge® line of Nitrogen systems. The INS-PV will not only provide users a worry-free way of running their nitrogen generators, but it will also help reduce costs and lengthen the life of the system”. The INS-PV is available for purchase immediately.
Click here to view more information about the INS-PV IntelliPurge Valve.
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